What are the Major Causes of Making Unwise Decisions?

Better decisions could result in a different life than you’re experiencing now.

Lorna Harvey
4 min read4 days ago
Image by the author via Canva — Making a Decision

Consider how different your life would be if you could travel back in time and make better choices on just five significant decisions. What would your life be like now? The differences could be astounding.

Much of your current circumstances are the result of a few poor decisions you made ten or more years ago.

Wiser decisions result in a more fulfilling life! Learn how to prevent making decisions that will have a negative impact on your life.

There Are Main Reasons For Bad Decision-Making:

1. Lack of Relevant Information. While the opportunity to learn every significant detail is only sometimes available, many people make hasty conclusions. A few minutes, hours, or days spent asking the right questions and researching can result in much more successful queries.

Maya Angelou has been quoted as saying: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.”



Lorna Harvey

I’m a blogger, writer, and interested in helping people find answers for living their best life. I also write on https://www.createthebestlife.com/.